January 2016 Stradivarius is arguably the most famous name associated with violins. The name has long been synonymous with the best and most valuable violins in existence. There are just over 500 Stradivarius violins known to have survived since their maker died over 200 years ago. They are all seemingly accounted for. Fender is […]
Continue ReadingFollowing the hugely positive reception on Will Gompertz’s BBC Oxford Radio show, the Luna Geckos were invited by Will Banks to perform two short sets at his Halfway to 75 Festival this year at ISIS Farmhouse, Iffley. On Saturday 25 July, the Luna Geckos performed to a sell-out family audience and presented full performances of […]
Continue ReadingWith the unique 1958 production prototype Fender Electric Violin in mint condition and perfect working order, Ben Heaney ‘takes it for a spin’ putting it to test and using it to make a recording of Telemann’s Fantasia #7. In the 1950s, Fender had aimed to build ‘an improved electric violin’ which could be ‘mass produced economically and […]
Continue ReadingDeltaviolin was delighted to be asked to provide suitable ambience for a special Birthday party at Greyhounds in Burford, Oxfordshire. Solo acoustic violin whilst guests mingled, talked & ate; went down well from youngest age 3, to eldest (somewhere beyond 80 but no-one would really believe it)! The form of the music was recognised by […]
Continue ReadingLUNA GECKOS: Ben Heaney – violin; Greig Stewart – drum Presenting with “as best we can with no expense spared” attitude in mind; in December 2014 Greig and Ben set about to see how much of an album they could make DIY. Beginning with just violin and drum; on route, receiving help from friends and other musicians, […]
Continue ReadingBusy days at Deltaviolin… Preparations for the first formal INSET and practical demonstration class using The Black Spot Flip Book intensified as the day approached. In the event a wonderfully warm reception given by ten staff from Schola Europaea and hugely enthusiastic response from the class of 28 Year 4 children to the Black Spot Flip Book. […]
Continue ReadingLuna Geckos are special guests BBC Oxford Radio Election Special! @1AM A middle of the night in the wee small hours set of originals and outrageous covers as a live commentary to the election results as they come in… Luna Geckos will be also appearing live with special guest Matt (Unknown Methods) at The Bank […]
Continue ReadingThrilled to be writing this post on the all new and totally live Deltaviolin website. Hopefully now, as and when new projects reach fruition, or research turns up something, this site will be the first place announcing it! Huge thanks to Richie Gray for all his help during this transition from old-school HTML pages first […]
Continue Reading“Ten Decades of Electric Violin” “a wonderful article with fab images… so interesting and what research!” Susan Pierotti, National Journal Editor – Stringendo Magazine (Australian Strings Association, AUSTA)
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