The Paganini-Galás Akoluthic – researched & written by Ben Heaney (2011, revised 2017) First published by Delta Violin Ltd. 13 April 2017 ©2017, Delta Violin Ltd. All Rights Reserved This article came about as a result of public invitation by Gorgon Magazine: to make a contribution towards a monograph celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Diamanda […]
Continue ReadingFender Electric Violins Gathering Positive Attention… In the fast-growing field of the electrified bowed string there is now a voice that has been missing for much of the past six decades. Such positive reactions to it raise serious questions prompting a totally new perspective on today’s market. Deltaviolin is proud and excited to be spear-heading the unveiling […]
Continue ReadingExploring the artistic merits of electric violin Contributions Appendix Read the main article here: Turning Up The Volume ©November 2015 – March 2018, Ben Heaney Responses were given to the same four questions by the following electric violinists (hyperlinks to artist websites): Tracy Silverman (TS); Spencer C Yeh (SCY); Lindsey Stirling via PA, Jennifer Fletcher (LS); […]
Continue ReadingTurning Up The Volume! ©September 2015 – January 2017, Ben Heaney. “The electric violin is an impressively powerful instrument … a whole new orchestral equipment which the traditionalists will curse but which will undoubtedly allow future composers to give us unforeseen masterpieces, using unsuspected elements of emotions.” – Emile Vuillermoz, L’Illustration (12 April, 1930)[1] […]
Continue ReadingThank you for your interest in Deltaviolin’s Black Spot Book, recently described by Master of the Queen’s Music, Dame Judith Weir as “a unique and very enjoyable musical game/composition/brain trainer.” And going further to state “Every home should have one!” With copies of the luxurious hand-finished & numbered first edition now available from Blackwells and […]
Continue ReadingDelighted! Continued reference to Digital Violin in the Tipbook Company’s Complete Guide Violin and Viola edition and “eTipbook Violin” by Hugo Pinksterboer . Neat, compact and to the point work. ‘Violin & Viola’ is part of “a series of accessible, handy books, eTipbooks, and apps about music and musical instruments, written in cooperation with numerous musicians and other experts” […]
Continue ReadingJanuary 2016 Stradivarius is arguably the most famous name associated with violins. The name has long been synonymous with the best and most valuable violins in existence. There are just over 500 Stradivarius violins known to have survived since their maker died over 200 years ago. They are all seemingly accounted for. Fender is […]
Continue ReadingAfter weeks of tweaks and tedious teething trouble, Delta Violin can finally announce that copies of the first publication from Deltaviolin, Ben Heaney’s latest Black Spot Flip Book “Quarts” have safely arrived. And wow, they look COOL!! FACTS & FICTION Fact: 6 prototypes, 12 months of development and actually over 17 years since conception! Fact: There […]
Continue Reading– Film by an unknown photographer – Music by Telemann performed by Ben Heaney Rhinegold MusicPages “Artist of the Month” (October 2015) A few weeks ago an anonymously shot, silent video appeared on Facebook showing a war devastated scene. Watching it, I wondered if there was any music that could accompany images of such a destroyed place. […]
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